I’m Alessia.
I’m here to empower highly sensitive and ambitious women to live the career of their dreams.
I believe that you’re here to express your authentic self unapologetically, live at your highest potential and impact the world with your unique gifts. I also believe you’re the only person you need the approval from to start making the change.
My name is Alessia Gandolfo and I’m a multipassionate italian woman living the Parisian life. I’m the happiest at the crossroad of different cultures and I’ve always been incredibly curious about how other countries lived and what defines our identity. I’m a highly sensitive person and have always had a sense of wonder about this human experience and that kickstarted my love for personal development during my studies in Business School back in 2014 until the point I questioned my future in the corporate world and found that my real purpose was here, on this very page you’re reading now.
So my happy place is lost in a book on a bench in the local park
So I occasionally like to shine, expecially in a sparkly dress on the dancefloor
I am a fan of everything slow living and travelling, especially if it involves spending weeks by the sea and sun
I’m an italian who doesn’t like coffee and I’m big fun of herbal teas, I drink them daily also during summer