Alessia Gandolfo

Have you ever wondered how life would be different if you TRULY understood your PASSIONS?

Uncover your Passion is a digital guide to unravel your innermost gifts and find the tools to share them with the world.

Audio & Ebook Bundle


It's much more than an inspiring read: It's a practical step-by-step process to go from confusion, frustration and anxiety for the future to clarity, trust in yourself and becoming the master of your career path. 

Uncover your Passion is the unconventional career guide I wish someone would have shared with me when I was an ambitious teenager looking for my ideal job that would make me feel alive and happy and also make a difference to the world. 

I truly believe that choosing the way you spend your days is a piece of art. It starts with a blank canvas and you are the artist deciding the shapes, colors, layers and the techniques to use. The more the process is intentional and pleasurable, the more unexpectedly beautiful and vibrant the final outcome will be.

Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive and then go do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive. Howard Thurman 


I wrote this guide because I believe that finding your passion it's a practice. And I want to give you all the tools I know, which have helped me too, to start this practice.

As humans we need a regular dose of inspiration and reminders of who we really are at our core. Both the inner influence of our mind and the outer influence of the world affect us constantly and tend to keep us safe in our comfort zones. But that's not what we're here on this planet for, so we need to practice going back over and over again to passion and truth.

I know it because it happened to me a few times. I was born a sensitive dreamer, always imagining a world that doesn't exist yet, and craving for proof that the lifestyle I was dreaming deep down to my bones was possible.

I was incredibly curious of new things, and especially of observing the human kind and soaking in all the inspiration, eyes-wild open from the adventurers, the dreamers and seekers I could put my eyes on.

But along the way , getting into the school system, listening patiently to authority , learning the rules and getting to know the limitations of the "real world" I lost trust in that belief that "anything is possible" and also that I was worthy of it. Did my dreams and innate curiosity have any value? Or was it better to close them off in a safe closet and follow the path that was advised to me?

This guide is in part that story and in part the practical tools to apply in your career and life, because my desire is to both connect with you and help you feel supported in your choices because you're definitely not alone in feeling stuck and confused at the moment, and most importantly to help you awaken the fire in your belly and take real action.


 Uncover your Passion is for you if…  

You have a deep desire to feel alive and fully passionate about the way you’re spending your days, and life, but currently feel stuck and have no idea how to take the next step.

You've Been diligently following the designated path for most of your life but after doing all the right things still feel unfulfilled and with a nudging sensation there is more to life. 

And still the idea of drawing outside of the borders and changing your perspective on career feel quite terrifying and a huge risk.

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“[…] I would enthusiastically recommend working with Alessia to anyone feeling ready to shut down the external noise and really look inside themselves. Lastly, I can’t recommend enough her e-book ’Uncover Your Passions” - it’s a valuable tool for anyone looking to embark on a self-development journey and for those feeling ready to take action and make concrete, positive changes in their daily life. Through the 10 chapters of the e-book, Alessia guides you on a clear, well-structured journey which includes practical steps to help you develop a relationship with yourself and, eventually, get to know your true self and passions.” - Donata / PR professional and Mindfulness Teacher, Italy


After going through the 10 Steps you will :

- Experience a big sense of relief and excitement. 

- You will gain a deeper knowledge of who you are and tools to go back to yourself every time you feel disconnected or worried

- You will discover that the process of crafting your career can actually be fun and lighter than you expected. 

- Your fear of making mistakes and taking the right decision will disappear and you will welcome a more flexible and free approach 

- You will become friend with uncertainty and build your self-trust muscle 

- You will see your uniqueness as a strength and learn why it's empowering to be gentle with yourself


Uncover your passions is much more than an inspiring read, it's a practical 10 step process to go from confusion, frustration and anxiety for the future, to clarity, trust in yourself and becoming master of your career path.


What you’ll get : 

  • A 70 pages digital ebook in pdf format (so you can download it straight away and work through it at your own pace. )

  • 10 Audio recordings narrated by me of each chapter 

only 22 euros!