Kind words from my lovely clients


Alessia is a great listener and has a loving way of holding a mirror in front of you. Working with her was fun and stimulating! She has a fantastic and varied toolbox ready to be shared with you to help you on your personal journey. She is extremely skilled at identifying clear action steps to take you forward and is there to hold you accountable, in a caring and non-judgemental way. I would enthusiastically recommend working with her to anyone feeling ready to shut down the external noise and really look inside themselves. Lastly, I can’t recommend enough her e-book ’Uncover Your Passions” - it’s a valuable tool for anyone looking to embark on a self-development journey and for those feeling ready to take action and make concrete, positive changes in their daily life. Through the 10 chapters of the e-book, Alessia guides you on a clear, well-structured journey which includes practical steps to help you develop a relationship with yourself and, eventually, get to know your true self and passions.

Donata / PR professional and Mindfulness Teacher, Italy

The universe brought me Alessia exactly when I needed her and was ready to do the work. It was pure synchronicity. When we started working together I was struggling with my confidence, purpose, and sense of self. What Alessia always did so well was meet me where I was throughout the whole coaching process. Alessia was pivotal for me to find a path to reconnect with myself and be able to create a business that was a reflection of me (particularly after leaving a legal/corporate world behind). She provided the steadiness I needed to find my own ground. When I think about the journey, how far I've come, and look back at our session notes, my growth is palpable. From a shaky voice to one filled with conviction; from a foggy view to a clear one; from disconnection of self to a strong connection. If you find yourself in the same transition, in a spot where you are ready for the change but have no idea where or how to start, I cannot recommend Alessia enough. She is the light that will help you through the darkness. 

Thank you so much for being a guide to me during such a pivotal time in my life. Thank you for your joy, warmth, and assurance.

Sophia / Human Design expert, Puerto Rico

Alessia is a wonderful person who filled each of our sessions with her warm, kind presence. Since working with Alessia, I have become so much more clear on my career path. Before our coaching sessions, I was confused and insecure as I wasn't truly connected to myself and trusting my own essence. I lacked awareness of my core values and purpose that Alessia helped me to tailor to my own life beautifully. Alessia gave me a clear compass to navigate my career path. She offers a powerful combination of full presence and great expertise, which supported me in growing and making changes outside of the sessions. I felt that Alessia genuinely cares about me. After my coaching sessions with Alessia, I am starting my own business. With the support of Alessia, I was able to uncover my two big passions of personal growth with design in one business. Forever grateful for the beautiful impact Alessia has had on my life!

Nida/ Style Coach, Germany

I didn’t really have any hesitations working with you because I felt such a lovely connection, and good energy and felt supported right from the start! The results have been amazing! I went from not having a goal to having a career goal that made me feel aligned and true to my values! I feel like I have a good sense of direction and a strategy to get me closer to the overall goal! I have unblocked some limiting beliefs and replaced them with new beliefs and intentions! I liked how you listened so well, how caring you are and how you managed to find strategic methods that I could implement into my new direction. What I benefited personally so much from you was the way you kept me focused and the way you were able to communicate what I was thinking in a viable way! I love how you shared your insights into social media and marketing and I really liked how you helped me understand my values first and in turn focus my career on those values so that they were in alignment. I also just think you are such a calming and beautiful energy and enjoyed talking to you! I would highly recommend you because you have such a beautiful and thoughtful way of communicating, you really helped me to find deeper meaning in terms of career fulfilment and then on top of this helped with creating a strategy to help get me there! It would be highly valuable to anyone who is trying to find a new direction in their career led by meaning and alignment. The most important thing to know is that people working with you will feel safe, and listened to whilst also having the grit to challenge you into moving outside your comfort zone with visions of their success. 

Fatima / Creative and Designer, London

I initially thought I needed someone who was already familiar with my industry sector but it turned out I was wrong. While still working toward my ultimate goals, I have taken some concrete steps forward, including:
Explored one job area and re-oriented my strategy to a more promising one
Set up a baseline system for managing personal paper flow (still needs work of course!)
Learned more about how I tick, especially regarding the importance of accountability; making weekly plans, and objective setting; as well as formulating ideas aloud to someone when stuck with a writing task.

What I enjoyed the most was that it very easy to talk to you. I appreciated your positive energy which was indefatigable — you didn’t let me fall into the trap of feeling that I wasn’t progressing “enough”.
I liked the way you got me to immediately begin working on tasks that were preoccupying me even during the session, and then immediately after the session. I found that to be quite powerful and surprising — an effective antidote to procrastination. It got around my mental roadblocks and got the momentum going again.
For example, when I was preparing a course application, instead of talking about the best way to gather ideas, you asked me how I would actually respond to a particular question on the form.
As someone who likes to theorise, this got around my natural tendency to first evaluate and make lists, etc, before deciding which problem to solve first, and how. Instead, here we were actually beginning to figure out the solution to one of the issues in hand!
Also, I realised that talking out loud to someone actually helps me a lot when I have a writing task to do. I also gained some new insights through your workshop that have been helpful to me. My strongest personal “driver” was not what I originally thought it was!

I would certainly recommend you. Especially to anyone who is seeking to focus their efforts on personal or professional projects when motivation may be wavering.

Ien / IT consultant, Paris

(testimonial in french) "Alessia est une personne chaleureuse, souriante, très humaine et surtout à l’écoute, elle m’a accompagné dans mes doutes, mes craintes, mes interrogations, elle a su comprendre mes attentes, mes envies pour mon évolution professionnelle.
J’attendais nos échanges avec impatience pour reprendre force et conviction dans mes projets, Alessia à su me diriger, me guider pour avancer. Son soutien fût indispensable pour re booster mon moral et me sentir moins seule dans le conception de mon projet.
Le coaching d’Alessia est une aide précieuse pour obtenir les clefs de la réussite"

Fabienne / Naturophatic consultant for Menopause, Paris

“I had never done coaching before, and when I decided to opt for this personal development path, I was not sure that the right thing to do would have been to "just" talk through my troubles but I changed my energy level straight away at work, and the change was noticed immediately by my colleagues. I also managed getting out of a negative sentimental situation, and to find motivation in re-establishing self confidence. What I liked about working with Alessia is that first of all she is a super pleasant person with a very relaxing voice :) Every time I listen to her I get a calm feeling and my troubles don't seem that big anymore. Second, I get really the feeling that she is passionate about the job, and that puts me in a good mood, I feel I'm in a safe environment where I can talk through everything. I used some "homework" tips for my daily life, to control my strong emotional intelligence. Not always I succeed, but when I look at where I was one year ago, well, I made big steps forward and I think I grew up a lot. I would absolutely recommed her services! I have done it with so many people already :) I have many friends in the same stage of life where I am today, and so far all of te ones that went to Alessia gave me great feedback about her work :) What I would say to people considering working with Alessia is that she’s a pleasant and extremely professional coach who is always there to support on time, not only with the sessions, but also with the catch up between one session and another.”

Eleonora / Key Account Manager, London

I signed up to work with you to talk about career transition and finding my passion - however that would involve admitting that I didn't want to focus on coaching as a business venture right now. I felt a bit of a fraud and lazy. Our work together gave me a sense of inner peace and acceptance about moving back into HR - and acknowledging that this is driven by my values of financial freedom and independence which are so imperative to my overall well-being/happiness. I loved our conversations, I could hear you listening through the phone. I loved the follow-up notes after the session which I still refer to remind me and ground me. There was no judgement regarding my “ lack of energy” around coaching but also you validated my fear about returning to HR with all that baggage. You are so masterful with “ validation” - which is critical for me to feel safe and trust another. I like how we essentially crafted my ideal job description which gave me the confidence and the courage to ask for what is important to me with recruiters without losing the essence of who I am. Never in all my years have I ever asked for what I need in a job, I have been a “ yes” person and just gone along with the flow. I would most definitely recommend your services to women who are in transition - whether in career/relationship/home and need help to find their new passion and/or be at peace with their new normal. It was such a beautiful experience - it really feels as if you walk hand in hand together on your journey."

Noelle/HR professional and Life Coach, Uk

'I had been in the same role for 6 years and needed change. I couldn’t motivate myself to do it on my own and I couldn’t see where to start. So I started coaching without hesitation. I knew that I needed a boost to see more clearly and especially to take the time necessary to tame my desires, and my doubts… and move forward! Thanks to Alessia, I was able to concretely define what I wanted to do and towards which job to direct myself. Alessia is a great coach: attentive, a great listener, and understanding, she was a perfect guide for me. Each session brought me a very rich opening and introspection. And between the sessions, I saw the evolution: I had much fewer doubts, and I knew how to put forward my experience and my assets. At the end of the coaching, I applied for my “ideal job”, I was not accepted but this allowed me to contact experts in my field who encouraged me to persevere until I got another dream job opportunity and got it. I keep coaching with Alessia on the fact that each career path is unique, that it is up to each of us to weave it in our own image, that there will always be twists, and that it is about being patient while remaining active. All the advice, energy and encouragement that Alessia gave me will follow me for a long time to come. I recommend it to anyone who wants to take bigger steps towards new professional horizons! "

Camille/ Tourism Project Manager, South of France

I was hesitant initially because I wasn’t sure where to start. But this second coaching cycle with Alessia was the logical continuation, the continuity of the first cycle that had laid a good foundation that now allowed us to go further. So I had much less hesitation to work with Alessia for this second time!

Since working with Alessia, I’ve left my old job, I’ve contacted people working in trades I’m attracted to, I’ve tried a new job experience and, above all, I have acquired tools that allow me to be autonomous in the pursuit of my professional career. I especially appreciated Alessia’s non-judgment, listening, gentleness and calm. This is very reassuring and she quickly understands what I needed or what I have been through. This makes it possible to move forward more quickly, in serenity and feel really supported, and encouraged.

Alessia has also taught me to better manage my relationships with my loved ones who, at times, are very worried or do not fully understand what I am doing. It has helped me a great deal to be more serene in my discussions with my loved ones, to take a step back and not to take their concerns upon myself.

I strongly recommend the services of Alessia to anyone seeking her way, encountering difficulties in her work and thinking of changing her job or even life. I recommend her for all the reasons stated above and also for her professionalism.

Hanna / Doula and Yoga Teacher, France

I was afraid that it would be a very airy and metaphysical type of conversation, but it turned out to be very down-to-earth and practical, which I really appreciated. I also didn't know what to expect because I had never done life coaching before, so I wasn't sure how it would be organized or managed. Through working with you I was able to recognize that I was giving away all my power. I wasn't refilling my own glass. By recognizing that I was lacking in these things, I was able to work on understanding why and work toward empowering myself again. I was also able to peel off layers by recognizing the negative energy I was carrying with me and learning how empowerment is about authenticity. I liked working with you because I loved your honesty and down-to-earth approach. It was very easy to relate with you and feel like we were both working toward having a better understanding of the world and ourselves. I didn't feel like you were telling me right from wrong. I also love how you are living out the lifestyle and living out the goals of self-empowerment and improvement. It's been an amazing experience to have someone else ask me tough questions in order for me to really dig deep and understand my thoughts and how they influence me on a daily basis. The client should feel free to open up and be vulnerable from the start because that is the only way to move forward. Be open to some tough conversations and questions because it can lead to amazing understandings and realizations.  Life coaching isn't about finding answers, it’s about exploring questions and being open to constantly learning. I have already recommended you to some friends and even one student who mentioned wanting life coaching!

Elisabeth/ English Teacher, Prague

( Testimonial in french ) J’ai hésité avant de commencer le coaching, mais une seule séance d’essai avec Alessia m’a convaincue que c’est un passage obligé pour quelqu’un qui souhaite véritablement commencer à vivre sa vie. Personnellement j’ai choisi le coaching car je n’avais pas beaucoup confiance en moi et que j’étais malheureuse. Alessia m’a aidé à y voir plus clair et réaliser que les briques qui forment mon quotidien (travail, relations, loisirs, fréquentations,…) ne semblent pas bien correspondre à mes valeurs et à mon intérieur. Bien sûr il n’y a pas de secret ou de formule magique pour « guérir », juste un chemin nécessaire pour y arriver, et Alessia est vraiment là pour m’aider à emprunter le bon. Alessia m’aide à chaque séance à mieux me comprendre, en peignant petit à petit, avec moi, un portrait de mon moi idéal, et en le confrontant de façon très concrète à vie actuelle. Le différentiel entre le deux sera ce que je devrai changer pour accéder à une sérénité plus présente. J’ai beaucoup apprécié aussi le travail que l’on a fait ensemble sur les énergies, et comment elles peuvent dicter nos humeurs. Cela m’a permis de prendre beaucoup de recul sur mes réactions au quotidien. En plus d’un travail de fond, après chaque séance je me sens toujours plus vivante qu’avant, j’ai plus d’espoir dans l’avenir et je suis surtout plus confiante. Alessia est plus qu’une coach, c’est aussi un guide spirituel, les moments passés avec elle sont une vraie bouffée d’optimisme.

Stephanie/Start up, Paris

At 53 I found myself at a point in my life where I lacked direction and energy, riding a daily roller coaster of emotions. I was confused, overwhelmed and lacked clarity in my life, I felt stuck and demotivated. How to move forward? To what? I needed somebody to help me sort this muddle out. Initially, I felt hesitant about using a Life Coach! Not really understanding how it would work I went into the experience with an open mind and no real expectations.......I was in for a very pleasant surprise!   

Alessia worked with me to find the best way to maximise our sessions. Due to her explorative questioning, combined with an uncanny intuitive understanding of what was hidden beneath my comments, I found our sessions invaluable. I had many light bulb moments, laughter, and a few tears. Alessia always listened in a totally supportive, warm and non-judgemental manner. Constant clarification, practical tools, suggestions, What's app and emails helped me stay motivated, accountable, and energised. I have chosen a career path and I'm working towards making it a reality, I'm clear-headed, focused and motivated. I now have many tools available to help me with the ups and downs that will inevitably happen on my journey. Being a perfectionist (former!) a big positive for me is to find some balance, everything doesn't have to be black or step at a time is all it takes. I have also learnt to be much kinder to myself:-)

Alessia really championed my corner and helped me to realise that my dreams are valid and achievable. It's rare in life to find someone totally on your side cheering you on, being proud of you and saying so.  Alessia is that person. Regardless of age or gender if you are wondering the Who, What, Why, or Where of your life and need help and support working this out I would not hesitate to recommend Alessia. Working with you Alessia will use her skills and intuition to help you clarify what you need and help you to understand that you already have within you many of the tools that are needed.

 For me personally, our sessions have been genuinely life-changing and I feel blessed that our paths have crossed.

Sharon/ Reiki Practitioner, UK

It was such a blessing to work closely with Alessia during peer coaching. Her passion for coaching is evident from the very first minute; her energy is soothing and her empathetic nature puts you at ease right away. Furthermore, she has just the right balance between using her intuition and applying proven strategies and tools, helping you quickly achieve new insights and results. I absolutely recommend Alessia as a coach to anyone interested, you will not regret it!

Theresa Schramm /Life Coach and musician, Berlin