Navigating Career and Life Transitions


"Change is the only constant in life." Heraclitus

That's why is very useful to learn to feel ok with change, to not be scared of the future and the unknown. Especially when big life or career transitions happen. 

But it's much easier said than done right?

We are simply not used to live with uncertainty.

Unfortunately they don't teach us that at school, quite the opposite actually, they make us believe that we can control all the outcomes if we do the right things and THEN we'll have no uncertainty.

But life is more creative than that!

A month ago I was visiting Bali and on the second last day I really wanted to watch the sunset on the beach next to a very famous temple.

But it was pretty far so as you do in Bali I stopped a taxi and asked him to take me there on time for sunset. I got on the car and it was a pleasant drive along the rice fields and through the local villages and I started to talk with the taxi driver. I asked him about his family, and son and other life topics and among the different things he told me I was his first client for the day and that he practically had no money before I showed up. There are a lot of taxis in Bali, some official and some not, and a high competition and he lived day by day.

I was pretty shocked by his declaration and started to imagine what I would have done at his place with the idea of waking up in the morning without knowing where and if the money for the day would arrive. I would probably freak out and not sleep at night by the fear of not having enough to live, but the guy looked pretty chilled!

No apparent stress. He simply trusted that it would be ok, that he would be supported by the Universe the following day.

How often do we do that in Western society ? Very rarely I think. 

The episode made me reflect and definitely helped me reframe my fears and the necessity to build insurances and guarantees for my job to work out.

How better would I live day by day with a little more trust? With more spontaneity knowing that in some ways I WILL be supported ? 

Alessia Gandolfo