How to slow down and listen to your intuition
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Intuition is always present but if you cannot hear it (or feel it) it’s probably because you are not trained to do it.
Intuition is a muscle that can be trained and it’s such a sweet feeling when it gets stronger and faster.
The funny thing about learning what the intuition would say is that for most people it feels clear AFTER they’ve taken their decision, you know that feeling of “I knew it!” just after the decision is made? That’s it!
That’s how I realised after many “wrong” decisions that I was ready to listen to my intuition before the decision was taken because it was such a more sustainable and less messy way of doing things.
So how to recognize your intuitive decision earlier?
When you’re making a small daily decision, start to slow down and tune into your gut feeling.
Do you want to eat the salad or the pasta?
Do you feel called to go left or right?
Would you rather watch that movie tonight or read a book?
How do you truly desire to start your mornings?
And notice how you’re feeling after making the decision. Does it feel expansive? Risky? Indulgent? For your highest good? Does it come from the best version of yourself or the version of you that you want to leave behind?
Usually really intuitive decisions feel right, expansive even If scary sometimes, they can be counterintuitive, and take you out of your comfort zone.
Non-intuitive decisions come from your default mechanisms, from your fears that keep you safe and small.
By getting clearer in these small decisions you’re training yourself for the bigger ones too because your self-trust will increase!
So how exactly can you slow down and listen to it?
These are 6 of my favourite tools to become more intuitive :
Moment-to-moment feel into your daily decisions and recognize which ones come from your intuition and which ones from your past default mechanism.
Journal it out especially when it’s a big decision. Write down all your thoughts and feelings and ask the Universe to guide you.
Sleep on it. I always find more clarity the morning after!
Move your body without rules. Dance or stretch and by creating space in your body you will connect to your inner knower and get out of your mind which will give you clarity for sure.
Keep it for yourself. Learn to rely less on external opinions and more on yourself by keeping a decision for yourself for a couple of days so you can get a feeling about it before the other people’s opinions get in the way.
Get some woo woo wisdom. In the middle of especially long decision processes I love to use oracle cards and ask the Universe for guidance through them. They always feel comforting and exactly what I need to hear and they help me stay on track with my decision even when it feels scary and confusing.
These practises take you out of your mind and into your feeling body which is the place where your intuition comes from.
It affects small daily decisions like the examples I made above and also the BIG plan of your life.
Let’s do an intuitive experiment, If there is one thing you know for sure, what would it be?
Tune into your intuition and trust yourself for whatever answer comes up.
I’ll go first : One thing I know for sure it’s that you’re not here in this world by chance, you’re a powerful being here to share your uniqueness with the world by living your most authentic life and career. And that by keeping your gift inside and not sharing it ( with your loved ones, your kids, strangers on the internet or whatever it’s your channel) the world has lost something very special in this lifetime.
What’s yours? I’d love to hear it in the comments below!
Intuition is one of the core elements of my Inspired Career Framework where I help clients to tune in and trust their intuition more in career decisions.
If you’re curious about how my coaching process works I’m currently offering a small number of FREE Self-Belief Building Sessions this month.
These 45 minute coaching calls are designed to tackle your current situation and identify one blockage you’re facing that is holding you back in believing in your project right now. You’ll walk away with a practical step to implement straight away and it’s an opportunity to experience my coaching! Book your call here.