What does your job tell about your self-worth?
Photo credit to www.aistesaulyte.co.uk
I know that many of you reading this post are in a phase of transition in their career (or considering it) and transitioning means jumping into the unknown not only for what your job itself will look like but also for WHO you’re going to become!
I truly believe that what makes change so hard for us humans it’s the sense of identity connected to our current situation.
It’s not only about what you do but very much about who you are because nowadays there seems to be a strong correlation between your job title and how you’re perceived from others.
I was talking with a friend few weeks ago that is a school teacher and he’s considering making a change to become a freelancer and the first thing he told me is how scary this change is because he’ll not be seen anymore as the “teacher” when he goes to his usual gym and the feeling of safety and clarity that that job role gives him.
But in my own point of view as a Career Change Coach your job tells absolutely NOTHING about your self-worth ! Nothing.
The illusion created by a fancy job title to make you more “worthy” than someone else it’s absolutely nonsense and the same the other way around. If you currently have a job that makes you feel or it’s considered “less than” it’s totally BS!
Let me elaborate a bit more on what I mean and especially how this switch in belief transforms the way you see your transition because that is what we really care about here.
These are some examples of specific situations I’ve witnessed in my clients :
Feeling called to do a job that is less defined than their previous one and that doesn’t guarantee the same foolproof reputation
Being in a phase of exploration of their passions and trying out activities as possible new career directions that do not feel as high-level as their current job
Wanting to create their own business and needing to take a part-time job to support themselves in the transition
Stepping up to a higher level and more “prestigious” job role and feeling like what they’ve done so far will not make them look good enough
And the list goes on with other specific situations and personal details.
In all these cases the fear of change it’s not just financial or practical, it’s strictly connected to their identity.
So it’s totally normal that from this prospective a change feels like a huge scary step!
But what about when we see it differently?
Your self-worth is not connected to your job title ( and for that matter neither to your relationships, bank account number, level of education or anything else)
You’re worthy because you exist and you’re you.
The choice of taking a job or another is simply that, a decision you’re taking according to your own unique and personal circumstance as well as your passions and interests at this very moment.
Jobs are just tools that allow us to express a side of us and get paid for it but they are not ALL of you!
You’re so much more than your job!
And I know it sounds like a cliché but it’s true.
When we DECIDE intentionally what that job gives us and what we give to it the whole pressure related to “what will it mean about me” will fade away.
So how to apply this new perspective in practice ?
1. Define what is really important in your life at the moment.
Is it a career you love? Amazing! Is it your relationships? Great Is it both? Yay.
Defining what matters will allow you to decide where you put your energy and what role has your career in your vision.
2. Detach your self-worth from your job.
Whatever you choose at the previous point your self-worth is still the same. You’re not more worthy because you want to be a millionaire and you’re not less worthy because you want to be a stay at home mum. Now it’s a choice you’ve made that fit into your lifestyle and life. vision.
I know that it’s easier said than done but it’s a practice, a new belief to plant and grow over time until it feels good in your bones.
3. Show up for what you have chosen and keep the doors open.
What I love about intentional living it’s that your choices become conscious and you finally feel like the master of your destiny because you always have the choice of how to show up.
So If you’ve chosen to be a mum entrepreneur running a successful business now you’re aware of your priorities and the trade-offs that come from it.
The same thing happens If you’ve chosen to stay in your 9 to 5 office job because it’s stable and gives you free evenings to spend with your partner.
Also keep the doors open for things to change and evolve because as you’ll grow and learn you’ll may desire a different lifestyle and a shift in your priorities.
Each of us has a mission in this life that’s unique and I believe that as long as you’re aligned with your truth and you feel content it doesn’t really matter how it appears from the outside because worthiness is very much an inside job.
And If your soul calls you to do big shiny things in the world and perform on a stage or make a lot of money, go girl! You’re here to express yourself in that way and it’s simply a decision you’re taking using the tools that resonate with you.
I really hope that this concept is helpful and I’m very passionate about this topic because it gives us so much freedom to live in a way that feels aligned to us from the inside out and takes the guilt away for not doing things “big or small” enough from the external point of view.
If you feel ready to make this your reality and apply a different mindset for success in your own terms, I’m opening new coaching spots to work together for 5 months and really transform your life! The best way to get to know more about my new coaching program it’s to jump on the mailing list here.