How to Really figure out your Purpose in your Work
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I simply cannot do something I don’t love.
I actually used to admire it in the past looking at people that could do it because I just lose all my motivation when I have to do something that lacks purpose.
When I was a child I was actually better at it because I was conditioned (like most of us) to think that I had to, that we all inevitably have to do things we don’t like because that’s how life works.
But I just couldn’t accept it, why wasting most of my days doing something I disliked just for a salary and some “security”? It didn’t feel like a fair exchange!
And I still feel the same and that’s how my need for purpose led me to create a career for me that answered my greater desire to see women fulfilled in their own careers.
It happened gradually but I definitely had a moment in which I felt really lost and like I was so far away from the life I desired, that’s when I knew that I was not on my purpose in life.
Work has always been such a huge part of my identity and that’s why I noticed it early on, I was about 24 and I just knew I had to change my life right then because once you learn something like this you cannot unlearn it, at least I couldn’t!
Does it feel like a familiar sensation?
Then you’re in the right place because I’m writing this post to help you figure out your purpose especially in your career.
I make this differentiation because I strongly believe that not all of us are meant to express their purpose in their careers, some of us do it through their personal life, the way we connect with our families and kids and free time and so much more. In these cases work can be a means to an end (like having a salary that supports us) to then go home and be leaders in other parts of our lives.
But my focus here is for the ones of us that feel called to a career on purpose.
If you want to get up in the morning feeling excited about the work you do and like the actions you’re taking exist well beyond your day because they benefit something greater than you, then you need to decide what that is.
What’s the greater contribution you want to offer to the world?
How are you making people’s lives better?
I know these sound like big and scary questions but you need to go deeper inside yourself If you want to make a difference in the world.
Some of you may think, I don’t have anything extraordinary to give to the world but this is simply false.
You do!
Your intention and desire to make a difference is enough and you’re born with a set of skills and unique passions that are not random, they are your calling.
So let’s go back to the questions……What’s something about the world today that bothers you/ that you’d love to see changed?
This is a great way to point out an area you’d like to affect with your contribution.
Maybe it’s the environment, childrens’ rights, mental health, human behaviour…... .When you go through your day, what's one reality that makes you think “I wish things were different?”.
And whose life would you like to change If you could choose one specific group of people?
Maybe there is a specific group of people that you’d like to share your message with the most.
Today journal on these questions and let yourself be excited by whatever comes up.
Don’t worry about the HOW yet, focus on your WHY, what sets your soul on fire and you’ll have a big starting point on your career’s purpose!
I’d love to hear what you discovered with this exercise, comment below so I can cheer you on!
Looking at your lifestyle vision and building a sustainable business from scratch it’s my jam and I have a coaching program created exactly for this “The Entrepreneur Leap” so If this sounds like where you’re at now jump on a FREE Discovery call and I’ll be happy to explain you more about the program and honestly tell you If it is for you. Book your call here.