How to infuse your personality into your business
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You hear everywhere the phrase “Just be yourself”, but what does it actually mean in your business?
There are so many layers in who you are, so how do you know you’re doing it right?
Your uniqueness is something intangible but that transpires through your energy and actions, and your audience can definitely feel it when you’re really being your true self.
Sharing your essence is a game-changer to create an honest and growing connection with potential clients.
So how to do it? It’s probably easier than you think :
Show your face
Write like you would speak to your best friend
Be honest (which doesn’t mean take people in your life but share the lessons you’re learning along the way if they connect to your product/service)
Include your quirks and unique traits instead of hiding them
Don’t create a persona because you think you have to look a certain way to be a credible business owner
Most of these things will emerge naturally once you stop overthinking it. Once you get out of your way and just exist as a human being in your business because there are no rules on how a business owner is supposed to be and nowadays more than ever these rules are being broken.
And here are some truths :
Thinking that you’ll start your business WHEN you’re more confident, when your teeth are straight, when you speak better ………..they are all self-sabotaging mechanisms because you’re afraid of not being enough. You’re enough right now which means you can be successful in your business exactly as you are at this very moment. No need to be more of something!
Your quirks and uniqueness are actually strengths that make you more human and relatable. People are fed up with fake superhumans, they want to see the reality of being a human being and there is nothing that connects us to each other more than seeing the details and “imperfections” of another human being.
You don’t need to have an original idea to start a business. You don’t need to invent something that has never existed before because A. Someone has probably already invented it and B. When you want to serve other humans you’ll be helpful doing things that exist already as long as they make life better. What will really stand out will be your own take on it, your WHY will distinguish it from others, your personality will make it unique and when we focus on that there will also be some original ideas that come up along the way but they are not the foundation you need to get started.
Finally, lots of businesses that are born now will disappear in a few months or years. I know it’s sad but the ones that will make a difference are the ones that still exist in the future. So place your focus on long-term sustainability and not giving up, because that is what will truly make you stand out!
I hope that this very direct article encourages you to get started exactly as you are and reminds you that there is no artificial way to infuse your personality into your business.
It’s much more about eliminating what’s in your way than adding something to you.
You are enough!
Looking at your lifestyle vision and building a sustainable business from scratch it’s my jam and I have a coaching program created exactly for this “The Entrepreneur Leap” so If this sounds like where you’re at now jump on a FREE Discovery call and I’ll be happy to explain you more about the program and honestly tell you If it is for you. Book your call here.