Your Entrepreneur Leap is my signature 1:1 coaching program to ignite your transformation from business amateur to professional.
Your Entrepreneur Leap is my signature 1:1 coaching program to ignite your transformation from business amateur to professional.
“Ou work together game me a sense of inner peace and acceptance about moving back into HR - and acknowledging that this is driven by my values of financial freedom and independence which are so imperative to my overall wellbeing/happiness. I loved our conversations. Alessia is so masterful on “validation” - which is critical for me to feel safe and trust another. I like how we essentially crafted my ideal job description which gave me the confidence and the courage to ask for what is important to me with recruiters without losing the essence of who I am. Never in all my years have I ever asked for what I need in a job, I have been a “yes” person and just gone along with the flow. I would most definitely recommend your services to women who are in transition - whether career/relationship/home and need help to find their new passion and/or be at peace about their new normal. It was such a beautiful experience - it really feels as if you walk hand in hand together on your journey." Noelle/HR professional, Uk
“Alessia is a wonderful person who filled each of our sessions with her warm, kind presence. Since working with Alessia, I have become so much more clear on my career path. Before our coaching sessions, I was confused and insecure as I wasn't truly connected to myself and trusting my own essence. I lacked awareness of my core values and purpose that Alessia helped me to tailor to my own life beautifully. Alessia gave me a clear compass to navigate my career path. She offers a powerful combination of full presence and great expertise, which supported me in growing and making changes outside of the sessions. I felt that Alessia genuinely cares about me. After my coaching sessions with Alessia, I am starting my own business. With the support of Alessia, I was able to uncover my two big passions of personal growth with design in one business. Forever grateful for the beautiful impact Alessia has had on my life!” - Nida/ Style Coach, Germany
(Testimonial in french)
“J’ai hésité avant de commencer le coaching, mais une seule séance d’essai avec Alessia m’a convaincue que c’est un passage obligé pour quelqu’un qui souhaite véritablement commencer à vivre sa vie. Personnellement j’ai choisi le coaching car je n’avais pas beaucoup confiance en moi et que j’étais malheureuse. Alessia m’a aidé à y voir plus clair et réaliser que les briques qui forment mon quotidien (travail, relations, loisirs, fréquentations,…) ne semblent pas bien correspondre à mes valeurs et à mon intérieur. Bien sûr il n’y a pas de secret ou de formule magique pour « guérir », juste un chemin nécessaire pour y arriver, et Alessia est vraiment là pour m’aider à emprunter le bon. Alessia est plus qu’une coach, c’est aussi un guide spirituel, les moments passés avec elle sont une vraie bouffée d’optimisme.” Stephanie/Start up, Paris
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